“All of us knew we had no tea, no cake, no bread and butter, and exactly five cups. Nor did we have money to buy these things: our last penny had gone to rent the hall. Several came forward and pitched in to help, but there was still something missing- the cake. This was going to be a real test of God’s care.
So that night in our evening prayer time, we put the matter before God. “Lord, we’ve got ourselves into a spot. From somewhere we’ve got to get a cake. Will You help us?”
The tea time had been announced for four o’clock in the afternoon. At three the tables were set, but still we had no cake. Three-thirty came. We put on water to boil. Three-forty-five.
And then the doorbell rang.
All of us together ran to the big front entrance, and there was the postman. In his hands was a large box. I took the package and carefully unwrapped it. Off came the twine. Off came the brown outside paper. Inside, there was no note- only a large white box.
There, in perfect condition, was an enormous, glistening, moist chocolate cake.”
- Brother Andrew Bijl, from God’s Smuggler. True story.
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