

Click on any blog title to open it.

God's Smuggler

Missionary Field
Women Held At Gunpoint And Rescued: The Power Of Prayer

George Muller
Food For Orphans Sent From God

Saint Mary
A Broken Arm, A Camera, & An Apparition

Bruce Olson

Brother Yun

1 comment:

  1. Dear Andrew who posted on the "Angels and Lights' seen by Mincaye. The blog references "Cut 8" that Mincaye said was what he heard along with seeing the lights on the day he participated in killing the missionaries. I remember being told about the lights and signing by my former Sunday School teacher, Olive Flemming Liefeld in the '80s after she and Walt returned to Ecuador. I would really like to know where I can hear "cut 8." Do you have any info about that?
