
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bruce Olson: Life-Saving Miracle

As a youth in Minneapolis Bruce Olson had been converted to Christ in the church of his parents. Yet it was not until one day in his senior year at school that he faced the challenge of total commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. Bruce became a missionary and set out to serve the Motilone Indians in Venezuela. Four days along the trail to the Motilone, Bruce developed a serious case of hepatitis. As he became weaker some Motilone Indians took turns carrying him. By the time they reached the village of the chief Bruce was nearly unconscious.

One day he heard excited shouts of the Indians outside of the hut where he lay. From what he could determine, the Indians were describing a vulture-like creature which was swooping over them. Moments later Olson heard the drone of an airplane.

The plane proved to be a helicopter. After circling the clearing and spotting the plastic tent, the pilot lowered the plane to the ground. Out jumped a physician. The two men had decided to see what the famous Motilone territory looked like. Of all the immense territory over which they could have flown, God sent them to the exact spot where Bruce lay sick. Placing the young missionary into the helicopter, they headed toward a hospital. Again Bruce's recovery proved astonishing. Within a few weeks he was on the trail again headed for Motilone territory.

- Colombia's Motilone Bari Indian Community

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