
Thursday, May 16, 2013

God's Smuggler: God Provides At The Right Time

I was on my way home from a trip to East Germany and Poland. At 5:00 one afternoon we were spinning along, when suddenly there was a crackling sound in the rear of the car and the engine died. Then I straightened up and saw that beside the road, at the spot where the car's own momentum had deposited us, was an emergency telephone box. I picked up the receiver and asked for a tow truck. 

The tow truck driver inspected the various parts of the engine in silence for some minutes. "My crew leaves in ten minutes. They could have a new engine in for you in an hour, but you'd have to pay them a good tip for staying overtime."

"How much would the whole thing cost, including the tip?" "500 marks."

When I changed every last guilder, it came- with the German money in my pocket- to 470 marks. 50 shy of the amount I need to pay the bill and buy gasoline on the way home. At that instant, two young Dutchmen raced through the door, one of them waving something in his hand. "Andy!" he shouted. "Craziest thing ever happened to me! We were just walking along the street when this lady came up to us and asked if we were Dutchmen. When I said yes, she gave me this bill! She said God wanted us to have it!" 

The bill was for 50 marks.

- Brother Andrew Bijl, from God’s Smuggler. True story.

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